Thursday, November 15, 2007

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A BW Portrait

Introducing yet another wonderful personality.... Reji. This was photographed without his knowledge, a few seconds before he was about to pause for a typical 'say cheese' snap. He is a prospective violinist too...

'Shetty'.the Cranky Caricaturist

He is Praksh Shetty. We met him at the Forum Mall, Koramangala. Felt like caricaturing is his congenital ability. Perhaps one of the quickest and most impressive caricaturist around..

A terrorist's planning !!??

Yes! A terrorist !! They stared at him with suspicious eyes. 'Who is this stranger in our galli with a strange instrument mounted on a 'rocket launcher' kind of fixture ?? ; they asked among themselves... They interrogated the young man. They suspected him to be a terrorist. What else could be his purpose during this late night this place ??
Unfortunately that 'young man' was none other than me, myself; the strange-device, my camera and the rocket-launcher, my tripod....Huh!!!... the escape was hair-fine....

Deep Blue Night

...a deep blue night

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

"Thamasoma Jyothirgamaya"

'Take us from darkness to light'
; from ignorance to awareness; from incompleteness to totality ... Let that be our instinct... Let us believe or not believe in that 'ultimate reality'... Let us be blasphemous or religious... But let us not forget the self.. the 'omnipresent awereness'